SiTIG (Smartphone, iPad and Tablet Interest Group)

This monthly interest group is for current and prospective owners of smartphones, including iPhones and Android-based devices like the Samsung Galaxy models, as well as iPads and tablets. This interest group replaces the previous separate groups, iPPIG (iPhones and iPads Interest Group) and AIG (Android Interest Group).

Our sessions cater to the diverse needs of our members. While we predominantly focus on apps and common features across devices, we occasionally organise subgroups to explore features and the latest updates in iOS and Android operating systems.

We meet every month on the 3rd Friday, 2.00pm – 4.00pm.

Bring your iPhone, Android phone, tablet or iPad and learn from others how to operate it. Contact   or for more information.

What is a smartphone?

A smartphone is a type of mobile phone that goes beyond basic telephony capabilities. It typically offers advanced features such as internet connectivity, email, multimedia functions, and various applications. Smartphones are characterized by their touchscreen interfaces, allowing users to interact with the device by tapping, swiping, and using gestures.

Key features of smartphones include:

  1. Operating System (OS): Smartphones run on operating systems like Android, iOS for iPhones, or others, providing a platform for applications to run.

  2. Applications (Apps): Users can install and run a wide range of applications to perform various tasks, from productivity and entertainment to communication and utility.

  3. Internet Connectivity: Smartphones can connect to the internet via Wi-Fi, mobile data networks (3G, 4G, 5G), or both.

  4. Touchscreen Interface: Unlike traditional phones with physical keypads, smartphones use touchscreen displays for user input.

  5. Multimedia Capabilities: Smartphones often come equipped with high-quality cameras for photos and videos, as well as media players for music and video playback.

Popular examples of smartphones include the iPhone series by Apple, Samsung Galaxy series, and a variety of devices running the Android operating system. Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern life, serving as essential tools for communication, entertainment, and productivity.


What is the iPad?

The iPad is a tablet computer developed by Apple. It is smaller than a typical laptop, but significantly larger than the average smartphone. The iPad does not come with a separate keyboard, although one may be purchased. Instead, a keyboard is incorporated as part of the touchscreen interface used to control the device.

The iPad runs Apple’s iOS operating system. This allows the iPad to run third party apps, which can downloaded from Apple’s App Store. While some apps designed for the iPhone can also be installed and run on the iPad, many iOS apps are developed specifically for the iPad.

 What is a Tablet?

The tablet is a wireless portable small computer. It works with a touch screen with the keyboard displayed and operated on the screen. A tablet comes in various sizes and is smaller than a laptop. The tablet usually includes Wifi and some have cell coverage.

What is Android?

Android is an operating system like Windows 10. There is a high probability that it is the system that powers your smartphone or tablet. It is primarily designed for mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and less for laptops. Its primary mode of operation is via touch, making it feel very natural to use.  It can be used with ordinary computers but this is less common. It has been further developed for use with smart TVs, cars, watches, cameras etc.  However we only cover its use for smartphones and tablets.
Android is developed by Google and based on the Linux operating system. In terms of number of devices on which it is installed.  It far outsells any other operating system, including Microsoft Windows or Apple. It is used extensively, on phone and tablets.

  What are Apps?

‘App’ is short for ‘application’ – which is another name for a computer program. Normally, when people talk about apps they are almost always referring to programs that run on mobile devices, such as smartphones, iPads or tablets. They are represented by symbols on the device’s screen. Tapping on the symbol activates the app.

With the latest Windows 11, users can now run Android apps on their computers.